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Unplug to Recharge: The Importance of Disconnecting After Work
Dr. Cherisse Permell-Hutton
Marketing Consultant
February 7, 2024

Disconnecting from work has become a major challenge for many of us due to the interconnectivity that we face in our daily lives. We constantly receive notifications across our personal and professional lives making us very programmed to the expectation of always being connected. While this is the reality for most, it’s very important that we unplug after work for a number of reasons which include mental health and well-being, improved focus and productivity and enhanced work-life balance. 

Mental Health and Well-being 

It’s imperative that you take time to relax and reset so as to not burnout. Being constantly wired to be connected to your job is a recipe for stress and stress related effects such as anxiety. Unplugging after work will help you achieve a healthy mind and overall well-being. 

Improved Focus and Productivity 

Unplugging after work helps to bring clarity that you may not otherwise get if you are constantly doing work. Stepping away from work can actually make you more productive as you look at the tasks before you with renewed energy and concentration which can stimulate creativity and innovation. 

Enhanced Work-Life Balance 

If we are ever to attain work-life balance, we have to know when to call it quits. No one can physically work 24/7 nor should they try to. You’ve got to take the time to invest in activities and relationships beyond work if you are to have real work-life balance. So when you unplug, consider getting involved in a hobby, spending time with family and friends and engaging in self-care. Despite all of the amazing benefits listed above, the truth is, that many people don’t even know how to unplug. 

Here are 4 quick tips to help you begin: 

• Establish a clear demarcation between work and personal time 

• Develop a relaxing evening routine that will help you to unwind 

• Keep your notifications to a minimum so that you aren’t tempted to check on work matters. 

• Dedicate a specific time to do activities that are leisure activities 

These are just a few very simple yet effective ways to begin a very positive path to work-life balance. We hope that this helps you in making it easier to unplug and feel free to add to the list which is in no way exhaustive.

Dr. Cherisse Permell-Hutton
Cherisse Permell-Hutton
Dr. Cherisse Permell-Hutton is a Marketing Professional with a PhD in Business Administration, specializing in Marketing. Since 2016, she has been the author of XpertCorner, RecruitmentXperts Ltd’s widely recognized blog providing valuable tips to jobseekers on enhancing their marketability and navigating the workplace successfully. With a diverse background in Marketing, Dr. Permell-Hutton brings a unique blend of academic knowledge and practical experience to her writing. Through XpertCorner, Dr. Permell-Hutton continues to empower jobseekers with practical insights and advice, helping them improve their marketability and thrive in the competitive job market. Her passion for marketing and dedication to sharing her expertise make her a great resource for individuals seeking professional growth.